Lawn and Garden

Ryan Engel

Ryan Engel

Horticulture Agent

Golden Prairie Extension District


Have a Gardening or Lawn Care Question?

We are happy to answer your gardening and landscape question, stop by or give us a call. You can also find answers and resources for the most common questions at the Horticulture Information Center.

For us to best help with your plant questions please submit multiple pictures for accurate diagnoses.

For pest or disease diagnosis:

1. One picture of the entire plant or garden area

2. One picture of a branch or affected area

3. One close up, in focus picture of any symptoms of concern (leaf spots, holes, discoloration, etc.)

For plant identification:

1. One picture of the entire plant or garden area

2. One picture of leaves or branches

3. One picture of any flowers, flower buds, or seeds visible

Soil Testing

Soil Information Sheet (click here)

Recommended Plants for North West Kansas


Prairie Star Annual Flowers

Prairie Bloom Perennial Flowers

Fruits and Vegetables

Recommended Vegetable Varieties

Small Fruit Trees

Trees and Shrubs

Preferred Trees

Conifer Trees for Kansas

Deciduous Shrubs for Kansas

Evergreen Shrubs for Kansas